Feindt Family Farm maintains a small purebred flock of Border Leicester sheep. The flock produces quality wool fleeces, yarn, and breeding stock. Our goal is to grow “happy, healthy, and hearty” sheep naturally and ethically. We are currently a closed flock with four separate genetic lines and hope to have health information for each animal posted soon.
We do not run a production-based system. Our focus is on breed trait preservation and animal quality over animal quantity. We typically have only a few lambs available as breeding stock each year. We recommend reserving lambs in advance to ensure the best fit for your system.
All of our sheep are registered through the American Border Leicester association and receive individualized health testing and veterinary care. Registration through the Natural Colored Wool Growers Association is available on request.

** As we shift records over to the web, we know sections of the old site are down; including the flock and lamb pages. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
** For more information about managing small, closed flocks refer to the works by D. Phillip Sponenberg, Alison Martin, and Jeannette Beranger. A wonderful article specific to sheep is available on the Leicester Longwool Sheep Breeder’s Association website here.