We are letting ourselves go fallow this year! More details are available here.
Turkey Poults: We are planning a mini-hatch sometime between March and May. All chicks are reservation only this year.
Yarn Shares: Have finally arrived! Check your email for pick-up instructions. The remainder of our spun yarn will be available through Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/feindtfamilyfarm/
About Us
We are a small family homestead dedicated to continuing traditional small-scale farming methods, preserving genetic diversity in the plants and animals we work with, while developing and incorporating ecologically responsible agricultural advancements for small farms.
We believe there is more than one right way to farm. What works for us, on our farm, may not be the best method for you on yours. We are willing to try new (and old!) techniques to find the best fit.
One of our primary goals is to foster transparency in agricultural systems for both producers and customers. We believe customers should be free to know what their purchase is supporting and how those practices contribute to a quality product.
We strive to promote ethical livestock handling by considering not only the best interests of the animals we work with, but also the long-term ramifications of our breeding goals and management practices.